Hello, I am running SPEC SFS benchmark [1] on dual Xeon 2.80GHz box with 4GB memory. More details: snv_56, zil_disable=1, zfs_arc_max = 0x80000000 #2GB Configurations that were tested: 160 dirs/1 zfs/1 zpool/4 SAN LUNs 160 zfs'es/1 zpool/4 SAN LUNs 40 zfs'es/4 zpools/4 SAN LUNs One zpool was created on 4 SAN LUNs. The SAN storage array used doesn't honor flush cache commands. NFSD_SERVERS=1024, NFS3 via UDP was used. Max. number of obtained SPEC NFS IOPS: 5K Max. number of SPEC NFS IOPS for SVM/VxFS configuration obtained before: 24K [2] So we have almost a five-times difference. Can we improve this? How can we accelerate this NFS/ZFS setup? Two serious problems were observed: 1.Degradation of benchmark results of the same setup. The same benchmark gave first time 4030 IOPS, when was ran second time - 2037 IOPS. 2.When 4 zpools were used instead of 1, the result was degraded about 4 times.
The benchmark report shows abnormally high part of [b]readdirplus[/b] operations that reached 50% of the test time. It's part in SFS mix is: 9%. Does it point to some known problem? Increasing of DNLC size doesn't help in case ZFS, I checked this. I will appreciate your help very much. This testing is a part of preparation for production deployment. I will provide any additional information that may be needed. Thank you, [i]-- leon[/i] [1] http://www.spec.org/osg/sfs/ [2] http://napobo3.blogspot.com/2006/08/spec-sfs-bencmark-of-zfsufsvxfs.html [3] http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=23263 This message posted from opensolaris.org _______________________________________________ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/zfs-discuss