
I'm attempting to build a ZFS SAN with iSCSI+IPMP transport. I have two ZFS nodes that access iSCSI disks on the storage network and then the ZFS nodes share ZVOLs via iSCSI to my front-end Linux boxes. My throughput from one Linux box is about 170+MB/s with nv59 (earlier builds were about 60MB/s), so I am pleased with the performance so far.

My next step is to configure HA-ZFS for failover between the two ZFS nodes. Does Sun Cluster 3.2 work with SXCE? If so, are there any caveats for my situation?

Has anyone been successful in developing a HA-ZFS environment without SC? I'd rather not go this route if possible, but if s10u4 release is too far off I may have to give this a go.

Related question: anyone know when s10u4 is slated for release? June?

Thanks in advance,

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