From: "Darren J Moffat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The other problem is that you basically need a global unique registry anyway so that compress algorithm 1 is always lzjb, 2 is gzip, 3 is .... etc etc. Similarly for crypto and any other transform.

I've two thoughts on that:
1) if there is to be a registry, it should be hosted by OpenSolaris
  and be open to all and

2) there should be provision for a "private number space" so that
  people can implement their own whatever so long as they understand
  that the filesystem will not work if plugged into something else.

Case in point for (2), if I wanted to make a bzip2 version of ZFS at
home then I should be able to and in doing so chose a number for it
that I know will be safe for my playing at home.  I shouldn't have
to come to to "pick a number."


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