Hello Ignatich,

Thursday, April 12, 2007, 1:25:57 AM, you wrote:

I> Rich Teer writes:

>> On Wed, 11 Apr 2007, Rayson Ho wrote:
>>> Why does everyone need to be compatible with Linux?? Why not Linux
>>> changes its license and be compatible with *BSD and Solaris??
>> I agree with this sentiment, but the reality is that changing the
>> Linux kernel's license would require the consent of every copyright
>> holder, many of whom may not be able to be tracked down or give
>> their consent.  So in practical terms, the license for Linux CAN'T
>> be changed: they're stuck with it (it being GPLv2).

I> Exactly! And nobody can force Sun to dual license if they do not want
I> to. But enterprises that use Linux and Linux community in general still
I> need proper storage system, right? And they might still have perfectly
I> valid reasons not to switch to Solaris. If ZFS can't be ported and
I> writing binary compatible storage system is impossible or impractical
I> then ZFS alternative must and will be designed and implemented sooner or
I> later.

And there's nothing wrong with it - competition is good, even in open

I'm not sure if and how much resource would dual-licensing of Open
Solaris involve, but still I think there're more important things than
assuring Linux gets Solaris technologies when it comes to kernel.

Now it makes a lot of sense if higher-level technologies like Gnome,
KDE, OO, etc. are easily running on different platforms and more or
less we're there right now.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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