Hello folks, I have strange and unusual request...

I have two 300gig drives mirrored:
[11:33:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: /d/d2 > zpool status
  pool: mypool
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: none requested

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        mypool      ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror    ONLINE       0     0     0
            c1t2d0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            c1t3d0  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

it does give me total of [11:32:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: /d/d2 > zpool list
NAME                    SIZE    USED   AVAIL    CAP  HEALTH     ALTROOT
mypool                  278G    271G   6.75G    97%  ONLINE     -

I am using around 150 gig of that 278 gig that I have and disk is 99% full
[11:33:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: /d/d2 > df -k .
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
mypool/d             152348400 149829144   2519256  99% /d/d2

I am taking snaps so I have it since last year. I removed month 11 already because did not have any space left.

[11:32:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: /d/d2 > zfs list
mypool                 271G  2.40G  24.5K  /mypool
mypool/d               271G  2.40G   143G  /d/d2
mypool/[EMAIL PROTECTED]     3.72G      -   123G  -
mypool/[EMAIL PROTECTED]     22.3G      -   156G  -
mypool/[EMAIL PROTECTED]     23.3G      -   161G  -
mypool/[EMAIL PROTECTED]     16.1G      -   172G  -
mypool/[EMAIL PROTECTED]     13.8G      -   168G  -
mypool/[EMAIL PROTECTED]     15.7G      -   168G  -
mypool/[EMAIL PROTECTED]        185M      -   143G  -

Anyway in snaps that I have I do have certain files in those snaps that are few gig's in sizes. I did go to snaps and I did try to remove them but I got message: [11:42:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: /d/d2/.zfs/snapshot/month_01 > rm studio11-sol-sparc.tar
rm: remove write-protected file `studio11-sol-sparc.tar'? y
rm: cannot unlink `studio11-sol-sparc.tar': Read-only file system
[11:43:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: /d/d2/.zfs/snapshot/month_01 >
[11:43:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: /d/d2/.zfs/snapshot/month_01 > ls -la studio11-sol-sparc.tar
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     root     1123425280 Jan 25  2006 studio11-sol-sparc.tar
[11:43:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: /d/d2/.zfs/snapshot/month_01 >

Is there a way to mount file system as read/write and be able to remove those big files that I dont need there?

I would love to keep those snaps for months... I know, easy suggestion would be to add more disk space and never worry about it but yet again in my situation I have two internal disks that are 300gb and I cannot add more internal drives to that system so I rather use what I can...

Thanks for any help.


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