On 17-Apr-07, at 1:08 PM, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

On Apr 17, 2007, at 10:03 AM, Toby Thain wrote:

On 17-Apr-07, at 12:15 PM, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

On Apr 17, 2007, at 7:47 AM, Toby Thain wrote:

On 17-Apr-07, at 8:33 AM, Robert Milkowski wrote:


I belive that ZFS definitely belongs on a desktop,

Apple (and I) assuredly agree with you.

I would agree as well. With the proper UI (which I hope Apple has or will eventually have -- waiting to get Leopard!

Full disclosure: I don't think anyone outside Apple yet knows for SURE if it's going to be in Leopard (or even a future release). Found this sceptical article today - or is it out of date?

I don't have any insider or NDA knowledge (as I said, I have not yet re-upped my paid developer status and have not had any of the leopard seeds), but there have been screenshots from Leopard seeds posted that show ZFS volume creation options etc in dialog boxes.

Yes, I've seen those - in fact I posted their début on this list. Knowing canny old buzzmeister Steve though, anything could happen. :)


Again, who knows if it will actually ship with that feature. But it has been shipped in seeds as far as I know. Siracusa's column is old.


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