On 4/24/07, Darren J Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Other than /var/tmp my short list for being separate ZFS datasets are:

/var/crash - because can be big and we might want quotas.
/var/core [ which we don't yet have by default but I'm considering
           submitting an ARC case for this. ] - as above.
/var/tm  Similar to the /var/log rationale.

How does this[1] play with live upgrade or a like technology?
Presumably a boot environment is created with "zfs snapshot -r".
There is very significant value in having the notion of "boot
environment data" and app or user data on a server.  By having this
distinction, it greatly takes away the significance of the question
that I keep getting from Sun folks: "how long are you OK between
lucreate and luactivate?"

One word of caution with "/var/core" is that it makes per-process core
dumps for a process with cwd of /var impossible, assuming per-process
core pattern is still "core".  My approach to this is to have a global
core dump pattern of /var/cores/core-%... and have core dump logging
enabled.  If /var/cores doesn't exist, I get a syslog message saying
that the core dump failed which is usually all the information I need
(no, the sysadmin didn't kill your process, your vendor's programmers
did).  In the relatively rare cases where I need to capture a core, I
can create /var/cores then rename it once I have good data.

[1] And additional proliferation of file systems proposed in this
thread.  Many file systems can be good but too many become a headache.

I think we have lots of options but it might be nice to come up with a
short list of special/important directories that would should always
recommend be separate datasets - lets not hardcode that into the
installer though (heck we still think /usr/openwin is special !)

Most certainly.  While I find separating file systems based upon
software management boundaries[2], others feel there is more benefit
in different strategies[3].  The installer needs reasonable defaults
but should only enforce the creation of the set that is really the

[2] /, /usr, /var, and /opt all belong together because everything
there is managed by pkgadd/pkgrm/patchadd/patchrm.  Some random app
that installs in /opt/random-app through a custom installer (and as
such is likely administered by non-root, is portable across boot
environments) gets its own file system.  /var/tmp has no software in
it and can be abused to hurt the rest of the system - that's a good
candidate for another FS.
[3]  Or are simply afraid to deviate from the advice they received in
1988 to have / and /usr as separate file systems

One of the things I'm really interested in seeing is more appropriate
sharing with Zones because we have more flexibility in the installer as
it becomes zone aware.  What I'd love to see is that we completely
abandon the package based boundaries for Zones and instead use one based
only on the actual filesystem namespace and use Zones to get the best
out of that.

I don't follow this.  It seems to me that zones are very much based
upon file system name space and not on package boundaries.  For
example, a package that has components in /etc and /usr (for better or
for worse) installs, uninstalls, and propagates into full and sparse
zones properly.  I was actually quite impressed that this worked out
so well.

What I would find really useful is something that allows me to create
a zone by cloning the global zone's file systems then customizing as
required.  When I patch the server (global zone, propagate patches to
local zone), the global zone and the non-global zones should still be
referencing the same disk blocks for almost everything in /usr, /lib,
etc. (not /etc :) ).  The best hope of this right now is some sort of
de-duplication that seems not to be high on the list of coming
features.  This would give the benefits of sparse zones (more
efficient use of memory, etc.) without the drawback of not being able
to even create mount points for other file systems.


Mike Gerdts
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