Hello ZFS community,

I do not have a so strong love towards *probability*. And even less love when probability caracterize true, solid and tangible stuff that I've to administer.

I start doing some math..
don't get scared : I'm not going to show you the little scribbles that I've done.

But I'm looking for some good materials:
- online tools to calculate in an analytic or numeric manner different topology
- best practice on raid topology : what is the best:
 - zfs pool tank1 raidz 1 2 3 raidz 4 5 6 raidz 7 8 9
 - zfs pool tank1 raidz raidz 1 2 3 raidz 4 5 6 raidz 7 8 9
 - ... and other things that I even not thought about

Any thought



Geneva - Switzerland
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