Hello Darren,

Saturday, April 28, 2007, 1:03:00 AM, you wrote:

DD> Also, in-pool metadata should be redundant (via ditto blocks).  Errors
DD> in such data can be detected and repaired during a scrub.

DD> Because of ditto blocks, the in-pool metadata is duplicated (or
DD> triplicated).  Since you have multiple luns in your pool, the redundant
DD> copies should be stored on different luns.

To clarify - ditto blocks are used: 3 copies for pool metadata, each
copy on differen lun if possible, 2 copies for each file system
metadata with each copy on different lun. This means that file system
meta data corruptions should self-heal in a non-redundand config
(symlinks being an exception now, but there's RFE to fix it).

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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