On May 11, 2007, at 9:09 AM, Bob Netherton wrote:

**On Fri, 2007-05-11 at 09:00 -0700, lonny wrote:
**I've noticed a similar behavior in my writes. ZFS seems to write in bursts of
** around 5 seconds. I assume it's just something to do with caching?

^Yep - the ZFS equivalent of fsflush.  Runs more often so the pipes don't
^get as clogged.   We've had lots of rain here recently, so I'm sort of
^sensitive to stories of clogged pipes.
**Is this behavior ok? seems it would be better to have the disks writing
** the whole time instead of in bursts.
^Perhaps - although not in all cases (probably not in most cases).
^Wouldn't it be cool to actually do some nice sequential writes to
^the sweet spot of the disk bandwidth curve, but not depend on it
^so much that a single random I/O here and there throws you for
^a loop ?
^Human analogy - it's often more wise to work smarter than harder :-)
^Directly to your question - are you seeing any anomalies in file
^system read or write performance (bandwidth or latency) ?


No performance problems so far, the thumper and zfs seem to handle everything 
we throw at them. On the T2000 internal disks we were seeing a bottleneck when 
using a single disk for our apps but moving to a 3 disk raidz alleviated that.

The only issue is when using iostat commands the bursts make it a little harder 
to gauge performance. Is it safe to assume that if those bursts were to reach 
the upper performance limit that it would spread the writes out a bit more?

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