> I have no idea what to make of all
> this, except that it ZFS has a problem with this
> hardware/drivers that UFS and other traditional file
> systems, don't. Is it a bug in the driver that
> ZFS is inadvertently exposing? A specific feature
> that ZFS assumes the hardware to have, but it
> doesn't? Who knows! I will have to give up on
> Solaris/ZFS on this hardware for now, but I hope to
> try it again sometime in the future. I'll give
> FreeBSD/ZFS a spin to see if it fares better
> (although at this point in its development it is
> probably more risky then just sticking with Linux and
> missing out on ZFS).

If you do give FreeBSD a try, if just for the sake of seeing if ZFS continues 
to perform badly on your hardware, use the 200705 snapshot or newer, and make 
sure your turn off the debugging support that is built in to -CURRENT by 
default, ZFS seems to like _fast_ memory. 

Make malloc behave like a release:
# cd /etc
# ln -s malloc.conf aj

Rebuild your kernel to disable sanity checks in -CURRENT, you could probably 
just comment out WITNESS* and INVARIANT*, but I wanted to test the equivalent 
of a production release system here, so I commented all of it out and 

#makeoptions  DEBUG=-g                # Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols
#options      KDB                     # Enable kernel debugger support.
#options      DDB                     # Support DDB.
#options      GDB                     # Support remote GDB.
#options      INVARIANTS              # Enable calls of extra sanity checking
#options      INVARIANT_SUPPORT       # Extra sanity checks of internal 
structures, required by INVARIANTS
#options      WITNESS                 # Enable checks to detect deadlocks and 
#options      WITNESS_SKIPSPIN        # Don't run witness on spinlocks for speed

Your filesystem/data should be safe on FreeBSD right now since pretty much all 
of the core ZFS code is the same. That doesn't mean something else won't cause 
a panic/reboot, since it is a devel branch! You are right to be hesitant to put 
it into production for a client. If it's just for home use, I say go for it, 
I've been beating on it for a few days and have been pleasantly suprised. 
Obviously if you can trigger a panic, you'd want to reenable debugging if you 
care to fix it.
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