On 22-May-07, at 11:01 AM, Louwtjie Burger wrote:

On 5/22/07, Pål Baltzersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What if your HW-RAID-controller dies? in say 2 years or more..
What will read your disks as a configured RAID? Do you know how to (re)configure the >controller or restore the config without destroying your data? Do you know for sure that a >spare-part and firmware will be identical, or at least compatible? How good is your service >subscription? Maybe only scrapyards and museums will have what you had. =o

Be careful when talking about RAID controllers in general. They are
not created equal! ...
Hardware raid controllers have done the job for many years ...

Not quite the same job as ZFS, which offers integrity guarantees that RAID subsystems cannot.

I'm a
little bit concerned about the new message (from some) out there that
they are " no good " anymore. Given the code on those controllers are
probably not as elegant as zfs ... and given my personal preference of
"being in control", I cannot dismiss the fact that some of these
storage units are fast as hell, ...

"Being in control" may mean *avoiding* black box RAID hardware in favour of inspectable & maintainable open source software, which was the earlier poster's point.

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