Out of curiosity, I'm wondering if Lori, or anyone else who actually writes the 
stuff, has any sort of a 'current state of play' page that describes the latest 
OS ON release and how it does ZFS boot and installs? There's blogs all over the 
place, of course, which have a lot of stale information, but is there a 'the 
current release supports this, and this is how you install it' page anywhere, 
or somewhere in particular to watch?  

I've been playing with ZFS boot since around b34 or whenever it was that it 
first started to be able to be used as a boot partition with the temporary ufs 
partition hack, but I understand it's moved beyond that.

I've been downloading and playing with the ON builds every now and then, but 
haven't found (haven't looked in the right places?) anywhere where each build 
has "this is what this build does differently, this is what works and how" 

can someone belt me with a cluestick please?
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