> > Patching zfs_prefetch_disable = 1 has helped
> It's my belief this mainly aids scanning metadata. my
> testing with rsync and yours with find (and seen with
> du & ; zpool iostat -v 1 ) pans this out..
> mainly tracked in bug 6437054 vdev_cache: wise up or die
> http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=42212
> so to link your code, it might help, but if one ran
> a clean down the tree, it would hurt compile times.

I think the slowdown that I'm observing is due to the changes
that have been made for 6542676 "ARC needs to track meta-data
memory overhead".

There is now a limit of 1/4 of arc size ("arc_meta_limit")
for zfs meta-data.

On a 32-bit x86 platform with > 512MB physical memory,
the arc size is limited to 3/4 of the size of the kernel heap
arena, which is 3/4 * ~ 650MB => ~ 500MB.
1/4 of that 500MB is ~ 125MB for zfs meta data.

When more than 1/4 of arc is used for meta-data,
meta-data allocations steal space from arc mru/mfu list.

When more than 1/4 of arc is used for meta-data and 
arc_reclaim_needed() returns TRUE, entries from the
dnlc cache are purged and arc data is evicted.

Apparently, before 6542676 it was possible to use a lot
more meta-data if we compare it to what is possible now
with 6542676.

        /* limit meta-data to 1/4 of the arc capacity */
        arc_meta_limit = arc_c_max / 4;

static int
arc_evict_needed(arc_buf_contents_t type)
        if (type == ARC_BUFC_METADATA && arc_meta_used >= arc_meta_limit)
                return (1);

static void
arc_get_data_buf(arc_buf_t *buf)
         * We have not yet reached cache maximum size,
         * just allocate a new buffer.
        if (!arc_evict_needed(type)) {
                goto out;

         * If we are prefetching from the mfu ghost list, this buffer
         * will end up on the mru list; so steal space from there.

        if ((buf->b_data = arc_evict(state, size, TRUE, type)) == NULL) {


static void
arc_kmem_reap_now(arc_reclaim_strategy_t strat)
        if (arc_meta_used >= arc_meta_limit) {
                 * We are exceeding our meta-data cache limit.
                 * Purge some DNLC entries to release holds on meta-data.
                dnlc_reduce_cache((void *)(uintptr_t)arc_reduce_dnlc_percent);

The Tecra-S1 (32-bit Solaris x86) has

> arc_meta_limit::print   
0x7380000                         <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> arc_meta_limit::print -d
> ::arc
    anon = -735455552
    mru = -735455488
    mru_ghost = -735455424
    mfu = -735455360
    mfu_ghost = -735455296
    size = 0x131dae70
    p = 0xb10983e
    c = 0x1330105e
    c_min = 0x4000000
    c_max = 0x1ce00000           <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    hits = 0x2e405
    misses = 0x9092
    deleted = 0x5f
    recycle_miss = 0x45bf
    mutex_miss = 0
    evict_skip = 0x6e4b0
    hash_elements = 0x54dd
    hash_elements_max = 0x54de
    hash_collisions = 0x398e
    hash_chains = 0x1887
    hash_chain_max = 0x7
    no_grow = 0
> 0x1ce00000%4=X                      

Patching arc_meta_limit to 1/2 of arc size improves find performance.

Another problem:
In dbuf.c, dbuf_read_impl() arc_meta_used accounting appears to be
broken, the amount of meta-data used ("arc_meta_used") is inflated:

                db->db.db_data = zio_buf_alloc(DN_MAX_BONUSLEN);

Why 512?  Apparently, we zio_buf_alloc DN_MAX_BONUSLEN = 0x140 bytes
but consume 0x200 bytes of meta-data?
(When these buffers are freed, only DN_MAX_BONUSLEN = 0x140 bytes
are returned to arc meta-data)

I'm currently using the following changes, which seem to 
restore the zfs performace to what it has been before
6542676 - more or less:

diff -r bec4e9eb1f01 usr/src/uts/common/fs/zfs/arc.c
--- a/usr/src/uts/common/fs/zfs/arc.c   Fri Jun 01 08:24:48 2007 -0700
+++ b/usr/src/uts/common/fs/zfs/arc.c   Sat Jun 02 22:09:33 2007 +0200
@@ -2781,10 +2781,10 @@ arc_init(void)
        arc_c = arc_c_max;
        arc_p = (arc_c >> 1);
-       /* limit meta-data to 1/4 of the arc capacity */
-       arc_meta_limit = arc_c_max / 4;
-       if (arc_c_min < arc_meta_limit / 2 && zfs_arc_min == 0)
-               arc_c_min = arc_meta_limit / 2;
+       /* limit meta-data to 1/2 of the arc capacity */
+       arc_meta_limit = arc_c_max / 2;
+       if (arc_c_min < arc_meta_limit / 4 && zfs_arc_min == 0)
+               arc_c_min = arc_meta_limit / 4;
        /* if kmem_flags are set, lets try to use less memory */
        if (kmem_debugging())
diff -r bec4e9eb1f01 usr/src/uts/common/fs/zfs/dbuf.c
--- a/usr/src/uts/common/fs/zfs/dbuf.c  Fri Jun 01 08:24:48 2007 -0700
+++ b/usr/src/uts/common/fs/zfs/dbuf.c  Sat Jun 02 22:09:52 2007 +0200
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ dbuf_read_impl(dmu_buf_impl_t *db, zio_t
        if (db->db_blkid == DB_BONUS_BLKID) {
                ASSERT3U(db->db_dnode->dn_bonuslen, ==, db->db.db_size);
                db->db.db_data = zio_buf_alloc(DN_MAX_BONUSLEN);
-               arc_space_consume(512);
+               arc_space_consume(DN_MAX_BONUSLEN);
                if (db->db.db_size < DN_MAX_BONUSLEN)
                        bzero(db->db.db_data, DN_MAX_BONUSLEN);
                bcopy(DN_BONUS(db->db_dnode->dn_phys), db->db.db_data,
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