This is an old topic, discussed many times at length. However, I still wonder if there are any workarounds to this issue except disabling ZIL, since it makes ZFS over NFS almost unusable (it's a whole magnitude slower). My understanding is that the ball is in the hands of NFS due to ZFS's design. The testing results are below.

Solaris 10u3 AMD64 server with Mac client over gigabit ethernet. The filesystem is on a 6 disk raidz1 pool, testing the performance of untarring (with bzip2) the Linux 2.6.21 source code. The archive is stored locally and extracted remotely.

tar xfvj linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    4m4.094s,       user    0m44.732s,      sys     0m26.047s

star xfv linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    1m47.502s,      user    0m38.573s,      sys     0m22.671s

Over NFS
tar xfvj linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    48m22.685s,     user    0m45.703s,      sys     0m59.264s

star xfv linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    49m13.574s,     user    0m38.996s,      sys     0m35.215s

star -no-fsync -x -v -f linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    49m32.127s,     user    0m38.454s,      sys     0m36.197s

The performance seems pretty bad, lets see how other protocols fare.

Over Samba
tar xfvj linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    4m34.952s,      user    0m44.325s,      sys     0m27.404s

star xfv linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    4m2.998s,       user    0m44.121s,      sys     0m29.214s

star -no-fsync -x -v -f linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    4m13.352s,      user    0m44.239s,      sys     0m29.547s

Over AFP
tar xfvj linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    3m58.405s,      user    0m43.132s,      sys     0m40.847s

star xfv linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    19m44.212s,     user    0m38.535s,      sys     0m38.866s

star -no-fsync -x -v -f linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    3m21.976s,      user    0m42.529s,      sys     0m39.529s

Samba and AFP are much faster, except the fsync'ed star over AFP. Is this a ZFS or NFS issue?

Over NFS to non-ZFS drive
tar xfvj linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    5m0.211s,       user    0m45.330s,      sys     0m50.118s

star xfv linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    3m26.053s,      user    0m43.069s,      sys     0m33.726s

star -no-fsync -x -v -f linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2
real    3m55.522s,      user    0m42.749s,      sys     0m35.294s

It looks like ZFS is the culprit here. The untarring is much faster to a single 80 GB UFS drive than a 6 disk raid-z array over NFS.


PS. Getting netatalk to compile on amd64 Solaris required some changes since i386 wasn't being defined anymore, and somehow it thought the architecture was sparc64 for some linking steps.
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