On 14/6/07 11:16, "Graham Perrin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Intending to experiment with ZFS, I have been struggling with what
> should be a simple download routine.
> Sun Download Manager leaves a great deal to be desired.
> In the Online Help for Sun Download Manager there's a section on
> troubleshooting, but if it causes *anyone* this much trouble
> <http://fuzzy.wordpress.com/2007/06/14/sundownloadmanagercrap/> then
> it should, surely, be fixed.
> Sun Download Manager -- a FORCED step in an introduction to

Read Sun's page more carefully. It isn't a forced step, it is a
*recommended* step. (OK, a *highly recommended* step.)

There's nothing stopping you downloading each file separately using your web
browser or curl or something.



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