As part of a disk subsystem upgrade I am thinking of using ZFS but there are 
two issues at present 
1) The current filesystems are mounted as  /hostname/mountpoint except for one 
directory where the mount point is <storage dir>/<storage application dir>. 
   Is is possible to mount a ZFS filesystem as /hostname/<storage dir>/<storage 
application> so that /hostname/<storage dir> contains only directory <storage 
application>. Storage dir is empty apart from the <storage application> 
directory which contains all the file? 
2) Is there any possibility of having a "zfs ireceive " for an interactive 
receive similar to the ufsrestore -i command? After twenty one years of working 
with Sun kit, my experience is that I either have to restore a complete 
filesystem (three disks failing in a RAID5 set) or I have to restore an 
individual file or directory.  
   I have been told that "zfs receive" is very quick at restoring a filesystem 
unfortunately it does not permit an interactive restore of selected files and 
directories. Which is why I would like to see "zfs ireceive" if possible which 
work on a zfs send created data stream but allow for interactive or specified 
files or directories to be restored. Is does not matter if it is 10x slower 
than restoring a complete filesystem, it is the ability to selectively restore 
directories and files. 

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