On Sun, Jun 24, 2007 at 03:39:40PM -0700, Erik Trimble wrote:
> Matthew Ahrens wrote:
> >Will Murnane wrote:
> >>On 6/23/07, Erik Trimble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>Now, wouldn't it be nice to have syscalls which would implement "cp" 
> >>>and
> >>>"mv", thus abstracting it away from the userland app?

> >A "copyfile" primitive would be great!  It would solve the problem of 
> >having all those "friends" to deal with -- stat(), extended 
> >attributes, UFS ACLs, NFSv4 ACLs, CIFS attributes, etc.  That isn't to 
> >say that it would have to be implemented in the kernel; it could 
> >easily be a library function.
> >
> I'm with Matt.  Having a "copyfile" library/sys call would be of 
> significant advantage.  In this case, we can't currently take advantage 
> of the CoW ability of ZFS when doing 'cp A B'  (as has been pointed out 
> to me).  'cp' simply opens file A with read(), opens a new file B with 
> write(), and then shuffles the data between the two.  Now, if we had a 
> copyfile(A,B) primitive, then the 'cp' binary would simply call this 
> function, and, depending on the underlying FS, it would get implemented 
> differently.  In UFS, it would work as it does now. For ZFS, it would 
> work like a snapshot, where file A and B share data blocks (at least 
> until someone starts to update either A or B).

Isn't this technique an instance of `deduplication', which seems to be
a hot idea in storage these days?  I wonder if it could be done
automatically, behind the scenes, in some fashion.

-Gary Mills-    -Unix Support-    -U of M Academic Computing and Networking-
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