I'm investigating the feasibility of migrating from UFS to ZFS for a mail-store 
supporting 20K users. I need separate quotas for all of my users, which forces 
me to create separate ZFS file systems for each user. I had read that there 
were issues with slow boot times with thousands of ZFS file systems, but it 
seemed that a fix had been released with Solaris 10 U3.

I just recently setup OpenSolaris b66 on a T2000 Logical Domain (4 VCPU, 4GB 
RAM, SAS-backed virtual storage) and created 50K file systems as a test, but 
I've found boot times to be very slow (> 5 hours) and operations on ZFS (ex., 
zfs set) to also be pretty slow. Has there been a regression, or do I need to 
set tuning factors (ex., in /etc/system)?

We're currently have ZFS deployed for a near-line backup system with tens of 
millions of files, and it's working great, so we'd also like to move some of 
our other datasets to it.
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