>One thing ZFS is missing is the ability to select which files to compress.

there is also no filesystem based approach in compressing/decompressing a whole 
filesystem. you can have 499gb of data on a 500gb partition - and if you need 
some more space you would think turning on compression on that fs would solve 
your problem. but compression only affects files which are new. i wished there 
was some zfs set compression=gzip <zfs> , zfs compress <fs>, zfs uncompress 
<fs> and it would be nice if we could get compresion information for single 
files. (as with ntfs)

>Even a simple heuristic like "don't compress mp3,avi,zip,tar files"
that`s already existing. afaik, zfs tries to compress a datablock and if that 
isn`t compressible enough, it doesn`t store it compressed. it has no 
"knowlegde" of what type of data a file contains, tough.
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