I managed to create a link in a ZFS directory that I can't remove.  Session as 

# ls
bayes.lock.router.3981  bayes_journal           user_prefs
# ls -li bayes.lock.router.3981
bayes.lock.router.3981: No such file or directory
# ls
bayes.lock.router.3981  bayes_journal           user_prefs
# /usr/sbin/unlink bayes.lock.router.3981
unlink: No such file or directory
# find . -print
find: stat() error ./bayes.lock.router.3981: No such file or directory

ZFS scrub shows no problems in the pool.  Now, this was probably cause when I 
was doing some driver work so I'm not too surprised, BUT it would be nice if 
there was a way to clean this up without having to copy the filesystem to a new 
zfs filesystem and destroying the current one.  Any suggestions anyone?   

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