Hello Roch,

Wednesday, August 22, 2007, 10:13:10 AM, you wrote:

RP> £ukasz K writes:
 >> > Is ZFS efficient at handling huge populations of tiny-to-small files -
 >> > for example, 20 million TIFF images in a collection, each between 5
 >> > and 500k in size?
 >> > 
 >> > I am asking because I could have sworn that I read somewhere that it
 >> > isn't, but I can't find the reference.
 >> It depends, what type of I/O you will do. If only reads, there is no 
 >> problem. Writting small files ( and removing ) will fragmentate pool
 >> and it will be a huge problem.
 >> You can set recordsize to 32k ( or 16k ) and it will help for some time.

RP> Comparing recordsize of 16K with 128K.

RP>         Files in the range of [0,16K]     : no difference.
RP>         Files in the range of [16K,128K]  : more efficient to use 128K
RP>         Files in the range of [128K,500K] : more efficient to use 16K

RP> In the [16K,128K] range the actual filesize is rounded up to 
RP> 16K with 16K recordsize and to the nearest 512B boundary
RP> with 128K recordsize. This will be fairly catastrophic for
RP> files slightly above 16K (rounded up to 32K vs 16K+512B).

RP> In the [128K, 500K] range we're hurt by this

RP>         5003563 use smaller "tail block" for last block of object

RP> until   it is  fixed, then  yes , files stored using  16K
RP> records are  rounded up more tightly. metadata probably
RP> east parts of the gains.

Roch, I guess Lukasz was talking about some problems we're seeing here
which are partly caused by utilizing all 128KB slabs, so forcing file
system to 16KB helps here (for CPU) - workaround. Sure, we're talking
about lots and lots of files, really small. Perhaps someone could work
with Lukasz and investigate it more closely. Lukasz posted so more
detailed info not so long ago - unfortunately there was no feedback.

Best regards,
 Robert Milkowski                      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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