Dnia 23-08-2007 o godz. 22:15 Igor Brezac napisał(a):
> We are on Solaris 10 U3 with relatively recent recommended patches
> applied.  zfs destroy of a filesystem takes a very long time; 20GB usage
> and about 5 million objects takes about 10 minutes to destroy.  zfs pool
> is a 2 drive stripe, nothing too fancy.  We do not have any snapshots.
> Any ideas?

Maybe your pool is fragmented and pool space map i very big.

Run this script:


echo '::spa' | mdb -k | grep ACTIVE \
  | while read pool_ptr state pool_name
  echo "checking pool map size [B]: $pool_name"

  echo "${pool_ptr}::walk metaslab|::print -d struct metaslab 
ms_smo.smo_objsize" \
    | mdb -k \
    | nawk '{sub("^0t","",$3);sum+=$3}END{print sum}'

This will show the size of pool space map on disk ( in bytes ).
Then destroying filesystem or snapshot on fragmented pool kernel
will have to:
1. read space map ( in memory space map will take
4x more RAM )
2. do changes
3. write space map ( space map is kept on disks it 2 copies )

I don't know any workaround for this bug.


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