Hello Brad,

Monday, August 27, 2007, 3:47:47 PM, you wrote:

>> OK, you asked for "creative" workarounds... here's one (though it requires 
>> that the filesystem be briefly unmounted, which may be deal-killing):

BP> That is, indeed, creative.  :)   And yes, the unmount make it 
BP> impractical in my environment.  

BP> I ended up going back to rsync, because we had more and more
BP> complaints as the snapshots accumulated, but am now just rsyncing to
BP> another system, which in turn runs snapshots on the backup copy.  It's
BP> still time- and i/o-consuming, and the users can't recover their own
BP> files, but at least I'm not eating up 200% of the space otherwise
BP> necessary on the expensive new hardware raid and fielding daily 
BP> over-quota (when not really over-quota) complaints. 

BP> Thanks for the suggestion.  Looking forward to the new feature... 

Instead of rsync you could try to send incrementals using zfs send.
If you have a lot of files it should be much quicker (issuing less #
of IO).

Best regards,
 Robert Milkowski                      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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