On 9/14/07, Moore, Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was trying to compose an email asking almost the exact same question,
> but in the context of array-based replication.  They're similar in the
> sense that you're asking about using already-written space, rather than
> to go off into virgin sectors of the disks (in my case, in the hope that
> the previous write is still waiting to be replicated and thus can be
> replaced by the current data)

At one point, I thought this was how data replication should happen
too.  However, unless you have two consecutive writes to the same
space, coalescing the writes could make it so that the data
(generically, including fs metadata) on the replication target may be
corrupt.  Generally speaking, you need to have in-order writes to
ensure that you maintain "crash consistent" data integrity in the
event of a various failure modes.

Of course, I can see how writes could be batched coalesced and applied
in a journaled manner such that each batch fully applies or is rolled
back on the target.  I haven't heard of this being done.


Mike Gerdts
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