k, Thanks for the tip.

I spent a day trying it out, and this is what I learned ...

1. Solaris 10 (2007-08) doesn't have the "ZFS Boot Bits" installed
2. Only OpenSolaris version snv_62 or later has "ZFS Boot Bits"
3. Even if I got OpenSolaris working with ZFS booting the system, with a 2 disk 
SATA array, I would still have trouble; if one drive fails, ZFS won't boot.
4. Further there seems to be some issues with SATA framework and ZFS. 
Currently, it appears, it's best to use SAS or SCSI.

It's too bad, I had high hopes that I could use ZFS to boot with the latest 
Solaris 10 build. With the "Live updating with ZFS running" problem solved, I 
was ready! On the other side, utilizing 2 filesystems on 2 drives is more 
complicated than I wanted to go.

A couple questions ...
1. It appears that OpenSolaris has no way to get updates from Sun. (meaning 
Patch Manager doesn't work with it in CLI - #/usr/sbin/smpatch get -) So ... 
how do people "patch" OpenSolaris?
2. Back to Solaris Volume Manager (SVM), I guess. It's too bad too, because I 
don't like it with 2 SATA disks either. There isn't enough drives to put the 
State Database Replicas so that if either drive failed, the system would reboot 
unattended. Unless there is a trick?

Thanks for the help,

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