No, they aren't (i.e. zoneadm clone on S10u4 doesn't use zfs snapshots).

I have a workaround I'm about to blog, the gist of which  is

make the 'template' zone on zfs
boot, configure, etc.
zonecfg -z template detach

zfs snapshot tank/zones/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
zfs clone tank/zones/[EMAIL PROTECTED] tank/zones/clone

zonecfg -z clone 'create -a /zones/clone'
zoneadm -z clone attach

Will post the URL once I pull my finger out.

On 11/10/2007, Tony Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have an update on the support of having a zones root on a
> zfs filesystem with Solaris update 4?  The only information that I have
> seen so far is that it was planned for late 2007 or early 2008.
> Also I was hoping to use the snapshot and clone capabilities of zfs to
> clone zones as a faster deployment method for new zones, is this
> supported and if not when is it likely to be supported?

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns
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