Hi all;


Optimizing the array controller to random or sequantial controller depends
on your read/write ratio. ZFS have the ability to combine random writes to a
sequantial write. However eads stilll be random. 


And for Jbod redundany I have a few comments 


1)      You can do three way mirror on very critical volumes. Using ZFS
saves a lot of money, cheepest 2540 controllers still will set you back 10k
$'s so three way mirror will be still economical

2)      You may write scripts to add spares after a failure, this may not be
very flexible how ever will do what you want


My 2 cents





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Mertol Ozyoney 
Storage Practice - Sales Manager

Sun Microsystems, TR
Istanbul TR
Phone +902123352200
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Fax +902123352222



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