I'm just starting to learn about Solaris, ZFS, etc...  It's amazing me how much 
is possible, but it's just shy of what I'd really, really like to see.

I can see there's a fair amount of interest in ZFS and clustering, and it seems 
Sun are actively looking into this, but I'm wondering if that's the right place 
to do it?

Now I may be missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that for really 
reliable clustering of data you need to be dealing with it at a higher layer, 
effectively where iSCSI sits. Instead of making ZFS cluster aware, wouldn't it 
be easier to add support for things like mirroring, striping (even raid) to the 
iSCSI protocol?

That way you get to use ZFS locally with all the benefits that entails 
(guaranteed data integrity, etc), and you also have a protocol somewhere in the 
network layer that guarantees data integrity to the client (confirming writes 
at multiple locations, painless failover, etc...).  Essentially doing for iSCSI 
what ZFS did for disk.

You'd need support for this in the iSCSI target as it would seem make sense to 
store the configuration of the cluster on every target.  That way the client 
can connect to any target and read the information on how it is to connect.

But once that's done, your SAN speed is only limited by the internal speed of 
your switch.  If you need fast performance, add half a dozen devices and stripe 
data across them.  If you need reliability mirror them.  If you want both, use 
a raid approach.  Who needs expensive fibre channel when you can just stripe a 
pile of cheap iSCSI devices?

It would make disaster recovery and HA a piece of cake.  For any network like 
ourselves with a couple of offices and a fast link between them (any university 
campus would fit that model), you just have two completely independent servers 
and configure the clients to stream data to them both.  No messy configuration 
of clustered servers, and support for multicast on the network means you don't 
even have to slow your clients down.

The iSCSI target would probably need to integrate with the file system to cope 
with disasters.  You'd need an intelligent way to re-synchronise machines when 
they came back online, but that shouldn't be too difficult with ZFS.

I reckon you could turn Solaris & ZFS into the basis for one of the most 
flexible SAN solutions out there.

What do you all think?  Am I off my rocker or would an approach like this work?
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