On Nov 15, 2007 9:42 AM, Nabeel Saad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am sure I will not use ZFS to its fullest potential at all.. right now I'm 
> trying to recover the dead disk, so if it works to mount a single disk/boot 
> disk, that's all I need, I don't need it to be very functional.  As I 
> suggested, I will only be using this to change permissions and then return 
> the disk into the appropriate Server once I am able to log back into that 
> server.

(Sorry, forgot to CC the list.)

Ok, so assuming that all you want to do is mount your old Solaris disk
and change some permissions, then there is probably an easier solution
which is to put the hard drive back in the original machine and boot
from a (Open)Solaris CD or DVD.  This eliminates the whole Linux/FUSE
issues you're getting into.  Your easiest option might be to try the
new OpenSolaris Developer Preview distribution since it's actually a
Live CD which would give you a full GUI and networking to play with.


Once the Live CD boots, you should be able to mount your drive to an
alternate path like /a and then change permissions.  If you boot from
a regular Solaris CD or DVD it will start the install process, but
then you should be able to simply cancel the install and get to a
command line and work from there.

Good luck!

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