>> As I said in a different thread, I really do try to respond to people in
>> the manner that they deserve
> This is the wrong way to approach the problem.

Sorry, Will:  it might be the wrong way for *you* to approach 'the problem' 
(such as it is), but not for me.

>> (I was beginning to wonder whether there *were* any less-rabid bystanders)
> Well, there were - I for one would have been interested in criticisms
> of ZFS, and comparisons to other systems - but I was so put off by the
> other content in your earlier emails that I didn't bother reading the
> later ones.

Your choice, your loss:  take responsibility for it.

  Here's a paragraph from an early email you sent to the
> list:
>> I'm afraid that you just don't know what you're talking about, Robert
>> - and IIRC I've corrected you on this elsewhere, so you have no excuse
>> for repeating your misconceptions now.
> The adage about attracting more flies with honey than vinegar applies here.

I have no interest in attracting flies - and should I do so inadvertently, I 
swat them.  Robert got off on the wrong foot in the post to which I was 
responding and then reasserted a misconception which I had previously corrected 
him on elsewhere, so I swatted him (relatively gently); later, when his tone 
improved, so did mine.

> Now I shall bow out of this argument entirely.  If it ceases to be an
> argument, though, I shall be interested in seeing what you have to
> say.

Difficult as it may be for you to conceive, your attention or lack thereof is 
not a matter of great concern to me, welcome though you are to pick up anything 
that might be useful to you (just as I don't much care whether any insights I 
might come up with are used to improve ZFS:  how good or bad ZFS turns out to 
be is an issue for its developers and its users to tackle).

Though I'm happy to answer what questions I can if I notice them, I'm primarily 
here on the off-chance that I might learn something useful myself, and so far 
that effort has been almost completely wasted.  In the process, however, I've 
encountered some crap that I decided I wouldn't tolerate, and that's why we're 
where we are now.

- bill
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