Louwtjie Burger wrote:
> Richard Elling wrote:
> >
> > >    - COW probably makes that conflict worse
> > >
> > >
> >
> > This needs to be proven with a reproducible, real-world 
> workload before it
> > makes sense to try to solve it.  After all, if we cannot 
> measure where
> > we are,
> > how can we prove that we've improved?
> I agree, let's first find a reproducible example where "updates"
> negatively impacts large table scans ... one that is rather simple (if
> there is one) to reproduce and then work from there.

I'd say it would be possible to define a reproducible workload that
demonstrates this using the Filebench tool... I haven't worked with it
much (maybe over the holidays I'll be able to do this), but I think a
workload like:

1) create a large file (bigger than main memory) on an empty ZFS pool.
2) time a sequential scan of the file
3) random write i/o over say, 50% of the file (either with or without
matching blocksize)
4) time a sequential scan of the file

The difference between times 2 and 4 are the "penalty" that COW block
reordering (which may introduce seemingly-random seeks between
"sequential" blocks) imposes on the system.

It would be interesting to watch seeksize.d's output during this run


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