Enda O'Connor ( Sun Micro Systems Ireland) wrote:
> Mangan wrote:
>> The 9/07 release appears to be for X86 only. The 8/07 release appears 
>> to be for Sparc or X86. The 9/07 release is also titled " Express 
>> Developers Edition 9/07".
>> Apparently not a release I can use.
>> Thanks for the quick feedback.
> ok my mistake, getting confused by release numbers, 9.07 was what 
> Richard meant.

No, my mistake... when you get old, you begin to lose track of dates...
Solaris 10 would be 8/07 (aka update 4).  Solaris Express is probably not
what you want for a production system.  Now, when was my anniversary
again? :-)
 -- richard

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