On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 01:51:28PM +0100, Peter Schuller wrote:
> > So will pool get bigger just by replasing all 4 disks one-by-one ?
> Yes, but a re-import (either by export/import or by reboot) is necessary 
> before the new space will be usable.

Is this step really nessesary?  The last time I played with this (using
files instead of disks) all it took to get the extra space recognized was
a 'zpool scrub'.

I would certainly hope an export/import isn't needed, as that would take
away one of the greatest gifts we have which is to be able to expand out
pool on the fly with no downtime!

I'll have to test again, like I said, it's been a while since I last did

"Perl can be fast and elegant as much as J2EE can be fast and elegant.
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suited to making sure that my burger is cooked thoroughly."  -- Jonathan 
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