> New, yes. Aware - probably not.
> Given cheap filesystems, users would create "many"
> filesystems was an easy guess, but I somehow don't
> think anybody envisioned that users would be creating
> tens of thousands of filesystems.
> ZFS - too good for it's own good :-p

IMO (and given mails/posts I've seen typically by people using
or wanting to use zfs at large universities and the like, for home
directories) this is frequently driven by the need for per-user
quotas.  Since zfs doesn't have per-uid quotas, this means they
end up creating (at least one) filesystem per user.  That means a
share per user, and locally a mount per user, which will never
scale as well as (locally) a single share of /export/home, and a
single mount (although there would of course be automounts to /home
on demand, but they wouldn't slow down bootup).  sharemgr and the
like may be attempts to improve the situation, but they mitigate rather
than eliminate the consequences of exploding what used to be a single
large filesystem into a bunch of relatively small ones, simply based on
the need to have per-user quotas with zfs.

And there are still situations where a per-uid quota would be useful,
such as /var/mail (although I could see that corrupting mailboxes
in some cases) or other sorts of shared directories.

OTOH, the implementation could certainly vary a little.  The
equivalent of the "quotas" file should be automatically created
when quotas are enabled, and invisible; and unless quotas are not
only disabled but purged somehow, it should maintain per-uid use
statistics even for uids with no quotas, to eliminate the need for
quotacheck (initialization of quotas might well be restricted to filesystem
creation time, to eliminate the need for a cumbersome pass through
existing data, at least at first; but that would probably be wanted too,
since people don't always plan ahead).  But other quota-related
functionality could IMO maintain, although the implementations
might have to get smarter, and there ought to be some alternative
to the method presently used with ufs of simply reading the
quotas file to iterate through the available stats.
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