For what it's worth, I configured a T5220 this week with a 6 disk, three 
mirror zpool. (three top level mirror vdevs...).

Used only internal disks...

When pushing to disk, I was seeing bursts of 70 odd MB/s per spindle, 
with all 6 spindles making the 70MB/s, so 350MB/s ish.

Read performance was about the same for large files. (did not do 
anything with small files, though I expect that with the 2.5" SAS disks, 
it should be pretty good...).

I was not seeing a consistent 70MB/s per spindle, which I put down the 
the fact that I was only using a single thread to generate the writes. 
(A single thread of an N2 is only so fast... Just think of what you 
could do with 64 of them ;)

I'll be interested to see what the others have to say. :)

Hope this helps.


Michael Stalnaker wrote:
> We’re looking at building out sever ZFS servers, and are considering an 
> x86 platform vs a Sun 5520 as the base platform. Any comments from the 
> floor on comparative performance as a ZFS server? We’d be using the LSI 
> 3801 controllers in either case.
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