William Fretts-Saxton <william.fretts.saxton <at> sun.com> writes:
> I disabled file prefetch and there was no effect.
> Here are some performance numbers.  Note that, when the application server
> used a ZFS file system to save its data, the transaction took TWICE as long.
> For some reason, though, iostat is showing 5x as much disk
> writing (to the physical disks) on the ZFS partition.  Can anyone see a
> problem here?

Possible explanation: the Glassfish applications are using synchronous
writes, causing the ZIL (ZFS Intent Log) to be intensively used, which
leads to a lot of extra I/O. Try to disable it:


Since disabling it is not recommended, if you find out it is the cause of your
perf problems, you should instead try to use a SLOG (separate intent log, see
above link). Unfortunately your OS version (Solaris 10 8/07) doesn't support
SLOGs, they have only been added to OpenSolaris build snv_68:



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