On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 2:34 AM, Bob Friesenhahn
>  As mentioned before, the write rate peaked at 200MB/second using
>  RAID-0 across 12 disks exported as one big LUN.  Other firmware-based
>  methods I tried typically offered about 170MB/second.  Even a four
>  disk firmware-managed RAID-5 with ZFS on top offered about
>  165MB/second.  Given that I would like to achieve 300MB/second, a few
>  tens of MB don't make much difference.
What is the workload for this system?  Benchmarks are fine and good,
but application performance is the determining factor of whether a
system is performing acceptably.

Perhaps iozone is behaving in a bad way; you might investigate
bonnie++: http://www.sunfreeware.com/programlistintel10.html

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