Le 14 févr. 08 à 02:22, Marion Hakanson a écrit :

>> It's not that old.  It's a Supermicro system with a 3ware 9650SE-8LP.
>> Open-E iSCSI-R3 DOM module.  The system is plenty fast.  I can pretty
>> handily pull 120MB/sec from it, and write at over 100MB/sec.  It  
>> falls  apart
>> more on random I/O.  The server/initiator side is a T2000 with   
>> Solaris 10u4.
>> It never sees over 25% CPU, ever.  Oh yeah, and two 1GB  network  
>> links to
>> the SAN
>> . . .
>> My opinion is, if when the array got really loaded up, everything  
>> slowed
>> down evenly, users wouldn't mind or notice much.  But when every 20  
>> or  so
>> reads/writes gets delayed my 10s of seconds, the users start to  
>> line  up at
>> my door.

This is the write throttling problem. I've tested code that changes  
radically the
situation for the better. We just need to go through performance  
validation before putback.



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