Is this kernel panic a known ZFS bug, or should I open a new ticket?

Note, this happened on an X4500 running S10U4 (127112-06) with NCQ disabled.


Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 ^Mpanic[cpu1]/thread=fffffe8000809c80: 
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 403854 kern.notice] assertion failed: 
arc_buf_remove_ref(db->db_buf, db) == 0, file: ../../common/fs/zfs/dbuf.c, 
line: 1692
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice] 
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 802836 kern.notice] fffffe80008099d0 
fffffffffb9c9853 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809a00 
zfs:zfsctl_ops_root+2fac59f2 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809a30 
zfs:dbuf_write_done+c8 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809a70 
zfs:arc_write_done+13b ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809ac0 
zfs:zio_done+1b8 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809ad0 
zfs:zio_next_stage+65 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809b00 
zfs:zio_wait_for_children+49 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809b10 
zfs:zio_wait_children_done+15 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809b20 
zfs:zio_next_stage+65 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809b60 
zfs:zio_vdev_io_assess+84 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809b70 
zfs:zio_next_stage+65 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809bd0 
zfs:vdev_mirror_io_done+c1 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809be0 
zfs:zio_vdev_io_done+14 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809c60 
genunix:taskq_thread+bc ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe8000809c70 
unix:thread_start+8 ()
Feb 18 17:55:18 thumper1 unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice] 

Stuart Anderson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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