Hello eric,

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 7:33:14 PM, you wrote:

ek> On Feb 1, 2008, at 7:17 AM, Nicolas Dorfsman wrote:

>> Hi,
>> I wrote an hobbit script around lunmap/hbamap commands to monitor  
>> SAN health.
>> I'd like to add detail on what is being hosted by those luns.
>> With svm metastat -p is helpful.
>> With zfs, zpool status output is awful for script.
>> Is there somewhere an utility to show zpool informations in a  
>> scriptable format ?

ek> What exactly do you want to display?

ek> We have the '-H' option to 'zfs list' and 'zfs get' for parsing.   
ek> Feel free to experiment with the code to make zpool otuput more  
ek> scriptable:
ek> http://src.opensolaris.org/source/xref/onnv/onnv-gate/usr/src/cmd/ 
ek> zpool/zpool_main.c

Eric - IIRC in early zfs days you could actually get zpool output
describing your pool (not zfs datasets but pool itself) in a way which
is easy to re-create it.

If you have couple of dozen disks with some N-raidz2 config and you
just happen to buy another unit and lost your zpool create command but
still want to create it exactly the same as on previous one, zpool
output doesn't help you in current bits with it.

Getting output where you just can do something like

        zpool create test `zpool status -S current`

could bu useful (of course above command doesn't make sens but you get
the idea).

Best regards,
 Robert Milkowski                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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