Nicolas Williams wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 12:31:09PM -0600, Chris Kirby wrote:
>>> Er, good question!  I think the shells would have to support it.  A good
>>> question for Roland :)
>> The shells don't actually have to care:
>> $ cd /tmp
>> $ touch f1
>> $ runat f1 sh
> I know that works.  But why start a new process when the shell could
> have a built-in (or mod to the cd built-in) that can do this?
How was it MVFS could do this without any changes to the shells or any 
other programs?

I ClearCase could  'grep FOO /dir1/dir2/file@@/main/*' to see which 
version of 'file' added FOO.
(I think @@ was the special hidden key. It might have been something 
else though.)

The shells accessed that path just like any other. 'ls' didn't show 
them, but if you accessed them they were there.


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