Do *NOT* install 127871-02 on a Solaris 10 system.

127871-02 is an immature Feature patch associated with Solaris 10 Update 5.  
It's only purpose is for constructing pre-release "builds" of Solaris 10 Update 
5 for internal Sun testing.  It is *not* to be installed on pre-U5 systems.

127871-02 comes from a difference internal source code branch to normal 
Sustaining (bug fix) patches.

Installing 127871-02 on a Solaris 10 system will leave the system in an 
undefined state.  Please see the warnings in the patch README file.  If this 
patch has been installed on a production system, please back it out immediately.

Please let me know who gave you this patch as you should not have been given it.

A later revision of this patch (or an accumulating patch) will be released to 
SunSolve once Solaris 10 Update 5 ships in April/May.  This later revision will 
be a normal Sustaining patch which you can install on any Solaris 10 system.  
But until then, it is not safe to install 127871.

Best Wishes,

Gerry Haskins
Senior Engineering Manager
Software Product Engineering
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