> Could you described into more detail your config and share some
> comments on it? Looks like its unique.

How much detail do you want? Nothing special, there was just a chance to 
do something right (or perhaps more sane). Not that there is anything 
wrong with the legacy system, but keeping users in passwd files, 
rsyncing configs out to cluster servers and such setups, do not scale 
well after a certain point.

The old system uses NFS with NetApps, with quotas. Each brand is mounted 
as a volume, for your usual ISP hosting, (email, pop, imap, web, cgi, 
ftp, dns).

Sun's Jonathan sent out the blog about wanting to prove they are worth 
looking at, and promised a free-trial (and to their credit, usually 
these things are only for the US, we didn't think we'd get to trial a 
x4500 in Japan, but 2 weeks later we had a server). So why not try it.

But to do quotas, we found we really had to use zvolumes, with UFS 
formatted on it. zfs and quotas, and automounter, or mirror mounts, just 
do not work (YET!) Not that UFS is without issues. Volumes at 999GB is 
fine, at 1TB and you get that insane inode problem, where everyone 
recommends compiling your own mkfs. No time for that right now.

We made a NetApp vs Sun shootout table, and made the decision to keep 
trying Sun. (Since we don't need to upgrade current NetApps until Jun, 
we have a chance to run the Sun live until then)

So, all clustered, no local configuration changes when adding accounts, 
or domains. Provisioning is always running, so account creations are 
under a second. Same with all other changes, except buying new domains. 
The registrars are still slow.

That means the provisioning pulls out the requests from DB, 
creates/changes LDAP for the account data, and creates/changes NFS 
directories only.

Email: postfix, dovecot, squirrelmail. Just LDAP provisioning, no local 
config changes needed.

Apache: double-hash the request, if the directory exists, serve it. No 
httpd.conf changes needed.

CGI: Slight patch to suexec to get uid/gid from users directory and 
execute. (with extra sanity checks of course). No httpd.conf changes needed.

FTP: pure-ftp with ldap, no local conf changes needed.

DNS: bind with DLZ, using BDBHPT, update is immediate, and no restarts 

Radius: FreeRadius, LDAP, (almost) no local config changes needed.

It was a mad race to go migrate the first batch of users, but it went 
rather well. We did have some issues for sure. UFS default maximum 
number of quota nodes is something low like 2000. Fix and reboot. 
OpenLDAP replication is randomly losing data, fixed. The biggest problem 
was essentially MySQL Cluster. It is just not quite ready. It runs, but 
only because I taped it up.

The giant quota file isn't all that interesting in the end. It is 
sparse, as one of the developers inserted into the provisioning table:

+email|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|pass=test|uid=90000001|gid=2000
quota|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|size=50


I also want to make it easy for customers to get apps on CGI installed. 
Tick the box for Gallery, and it is rolled out in their home directory. 
(For free, since ISP model is generally disk space, and network 
traffic). V2, or V3 maybe we want to also offer Zones, so that 
provisioning should be fun.

Bet that was more than you wanted to know :)


Jorgen Lundman       | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Unix Administrator   | +81 (0)3 -5456-2687 ext 1017 (work)
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo    | +81 (0)90-5578-8500          (cell)
Japan                | +81 (0)3 -3375-1767          (home)
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