I'm not sure how this is a ZFS function?  You're talking about using ZFS to 
create a USB drive?  So you'd want a small box running ZFS with a USB interface 
that you can just plug into other computers to access the storage?

Well the first problem is that USB cables are directional, and you don't have 
the port you need on any standard motherboard.  That means you'll need a custom 
interface board of some kind to give you access to the right kind of USB plug, 
and then you'd need custom drivers to run that.

So you need custom hardware followed by a custom USB driver.  However once 
you've done that you just read ZFS the same way you would read any filesystem.

Adding iSCSI support to ZFS is relatively easy since Solaris already supported 
TCP/IP and iSCSI.  Adding USB support is much more difficult and isn't likely 
to happen since afaik the hardware to do it just doens't exist.
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