Indeed -

If it was 100Mb/s ethernet, 1TB would take near enough 24 hours just to 
push that much data...

Would be great to see some details of the setup and where the bottleneck 
was. I'd be surprised if ZFS has anything to do with the transfer rate...

But an interesting read anyways. :)


Nicolas Williams wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 11:38:03PM -0400, Jignesh K. Shah wrote:
>> Can zfs send utilize multiple-streams of data transmission (or some sort 
>> of multipleness)?
>> Interesting read for background
>> Note: zfs send takes 3 days for 1TB to another system
> Huh?  That article doesn't describe how they were moving the zfs send
> stream, whether the limit was the network, ZFS or disk I/O.  In fact,
> it's bereft of numbers.  It even says that the transfer time is not
> actually three days but "upwards of 24 hours."
> Nico

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