Hello Mike,

Saturday, April 12, 2008, 4:17:30 PM, you wrote:

EM> Could someone kindly provide some details on using a zvol in sparse-mode?

EM> Wouldn't the COW nature of zfs (assuming COW still applies on
EM> ZVOLS) quickly erode the sparse nature of the zvol?

COW does apply to zvols. If you once used entire zvol logical space
physical utilization will match logical and you won't be able to
re-gain it (unless you re-create zvol). So yes, it is not as good as
with file systems, but it can't be any better and is no worse than
other thin provisioning offered by arrays these days.

If you have well controlled environment it should work good enough.

EM> Would sparse data-presentation only work by delegating a part of
EM> a zpool to a zone, but that's at the file-level, not raw?

It is not required - you create X size zvol which is sparse and it
will allocate physical storage only when some data is written. Zones
have nothing to do here.

Best regards,
 Robert Milkowski                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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