Ulrich Graef wrote:
> Hi,
> ZFS won't boot on my machine.
> I discovered, that the lu manpages are there, but not
> the new binaries.
> So I tried to set up ZFS boot manually:
>> zpool create -f Root c0t1d0s0
>> lucreate -n nv88_zfs -A "nv88 finally on ZFS"  -c nv88_ufs -p Root -x /zones
>> zpool set bootfs=Root/nv88_zfs Root
>> ufsdump 0f - / | ( cd /Root/nv88_zfs; ufsrestore -rf - ; )
>> eeprom boot-device=disk1
>> Correct vfstab of the boot environment to:
>>    Root/nv88_zfs   -               /       zfs     -       no      -
>> zfs set mountpoint=legacy Root/nv88_zfs
>> mount -F zfs Root/nv88_zfs /mnt
>> bootadm update-archive -R /mnt
>> umount /mnt
>> installboot /usr/platform/SUNW,Ultra-60/lib/fs/zfs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0
> When I try to boot I get the message in the ok prompt:
> Can't mount root
> Fast Data Access MMU Miss
> Same with: boot disk1 -Z Root/nv88_zfs
> What is missing in the setup?
> Unfortunately opensolaris contains only the preliminary setup for x86,

I mean the: opensolaris.org website contains only the description
about setting up zfs root and boot for x86 until nevada build 87.

> so it does not help me...
> Regards,
>       Ulrich

| Ulrich Graef, Senior System Engineer, OS Ambassador        \
|  Operating Systems, Performance \ Platform Technology       \
|   Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     \ Global Systems Enginering \
|    Phone: +49 6103 752 359        \ Sun Microsystems Inc      \

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Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

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