Hi Simon,

Simon Breden wrote:
> Hi Max,
> I re-ran the cp command and when it hanged I ran 'ps -el' looked up the cp 
> command, got it's PID and then ran:
> # truss -p PID_of_cp
> and it output nothing at all -- i.e. it hanged too -- just showing a flashing 
> cursor.
> The system is still operational as I am typing into the browser.
> Before I ran the cp command I did a 'tail -f /var/adm/messages' and there is 
> no output. I also did a 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' and there is also no output.
> If I try 'kill -15 PID_of_cp' and then 'ps -el' cp is still running.
> And if I try 'kill -9 PID_of_cp' and then 'ps -el' cp is still running.
> What next ?
You can try the following:

# mdb -k
::pgrep cp   <-- this should give you a line with the cp you are 
running.  Next to "cp" is an address, use this address in the next line:

address_from_pgrep::walk thread | ::threadlist -v

This will give you a stack trace.  Please post it.

$q  <-- this gets you out of mdb


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