Hello all,
 Some time ago i did write a simple script to handle "on the fly" 
filesystem(zfs) creation for linux clients 
(http://www.posix.brte.com.br/blog/?p=102). I was thinking in improve that 
script to handle more generic "remote" actions... but i think we could start a 
project on this:

 "A client, text based, to execute remote administration on a given ZFS 
filesystem. This administration could be done from Linux/OSX/FreeBSD, for 

 I think the main use of such feature would be snapshot administration... Today 
we have a "little" problem managing snapshots on the server, not the creation, 
but the deletion of that snapshots. When the user exeeds the quota, or needs 
free some space, he cannot do it if that filesystem has snapshots.
 I just want your opinion, and maybe other solutions if i'm not seeing a more 
simple one. And if you agree with me, we could make a project proposal around 
this. What do you think?

 Thanks a lot for your time!

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